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The information provided by the USER through any of the WEBSITE’s forms or means of contact shall be processed by EQUMEDIA XL, S.L. (hereinafter, EQUMEDIA), with registered office in Calle Infanta Mercedes, 90 - 3ª Planta - 28020 Madrid.

The legal basis that legitimizes the processing of the data gathered in this WEBSITE is the express consent granted by the data subject and/or the contractual relation or the legitimate interest if there is a contractual relation with the data subject or own services and products that are the same or similar to the ones previously procured or requested are to be offered. Therefore, any data subject registered by means of any form in the WEBSITE must check the box agreeing explicitly to the processing of the data as set forth in the Privacy Policy available when registering in the WEBSITE.

EQUMEDIA shall process the information provided by the USER with different purposes, depending on the way the data were collected:

  • Managing the contractual or commercial relation established between THE COMPANY and the USER.

  • Managing, administering, providing, expanding, adapting, and improving the services requested or that the USER may have opted to subscribe or sign up for.

  • Designing new services in connection with the previous ones.

  • Sending information requested by the USER about changes in the product or in the services procured, or about new products or services similar to the ones initially procured or that the USER may be interested in, through any means, including electronically.

  • Register and managing the candidatures of those who have sent their CV’s.​


The USER consents to the processing of his or her data with the abovementioned purposes, without prejudice to his or her right to confirm or withdraw the consent by means of the checkbox provided in the form itself for that purpose.

With the abovementioned purposes, your data shall be processed with your consent for the duration of the commercial relation. Subsequently, your data shall be blocked and be made available only to public administrations, judges, and tribunals for possible liabilities arising from the processing and/or the underlying legal relation for a period of 10 years, as provided by civil, mercantile, tax, and administrative law.

The data for sending you EQUMEDIA’s own commercial information shall be kept indefinitely until you express your desire to cancel them or oppose to the purpose, following the procedure established below.  

The data provided by the USER to EQUMEDIA shall not be communicated to any third party, except if:

  • Said transfer is authorized by the law.

  • The processing responds to the free and legitimate acceptance of a legal relation, the development, fulfillment, and control of which entails necessarily to connect the processing with third-party files.

  • The data are requested by the Ministerio Fiscal (Public Prosecutor) or judges or tribunals, or the Tribunal de Cuentas (Court of Audit), in the exercise of the functions assigned to them.


EQUMEDIA may assign the data to the companies within the Grupo Zertem whenever there is a legitimate interest to do so, for corporate or administrative reasons.

The User unequivocally consents to the processing of his or her data by EQUMEDIA XL, SL., through online tools for sending electronic communications provided by companies like Teenvio, and to the gathering of information by said company through pixels (tiny transparent images connected to your address) that make it possible to know who accesses our campaign and when.

The mandatory data in each form shall be identified as such in the form itself. Refusing to provide that information shall make it impossible to conduct the service requested by the USER.

The USER may at any time withdraw his or her consent and exercise his or her rights of access, modification, cancellation/erasure, opposition, restriction, and portability by sending an email to the address , or by mail to the address mentioned above, identifying himself or herself as WEBSITE USER and providing a copy of his or DNI or equivalent document and specifying his or her request.

Moreover, where the USER considers that his or her personal data protection right are infringed, he or she may lodge a complaint with the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (Spanish Data Protection Agency:

The USER states to be of legal age and that the information provided is accurate and truthful.

The USER undertakes to inform EQUMEDIA of any change in the information provided through an email sent to the address, identifying himself or herself as WEBSITE USER and specifying the information to be modified.

In the event that the USER provides personal data of third parties for any purpose, the USER states that he or she has previously informed the data subjects and obtained their consent for the communication of the data to EQUMEDIA.

EQUMEDIA has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of the processing of the personal data and prevent the alteration, loss, or unauthorized processing or access, given the state of technology, the nature of the data stored, and the risk that they are exposed to, whether through human action or physical or natural influences.


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